Well, first off let me say how relieved I am and how much lighter I feel writing this post! With all the problems I’ve experienced with the 36 year old outboard motor on my boat ever since I bought the boat, it’s been somewhat of a downer with every trip to the boat. Worries clouded my head with every mile I drove there, wondering if my motor would start…and if it did, would it be reliable enough to get me out of the harbor and back in when I finished my sailing? I finally had enough frustrations and doubts and worries. I decided that I’d rather enjoy my sailing/boating experience instead.

What a relief it is to say that I broke down and got a new outboard. It’s a Tohatsu [Nissan] 6hp 4-stroke long-shaft. I ordered it online and got a great price with it on sale. I have to admit as soon as I pushed the “order now” button, I felt such relief that I’d be able to just enjoy my sailing experience again! I won’t feel frustrated or worry about motor problems. I’ll be able to go to the boat and just get sailing!

The shipping box was a little too large to fit in the car, so my sons helped me unpack it to transport to the marina. Once there, they also helped remove the old motor [I almost just chucked it overboard!] and install the new one. The new one is MUCH lighter than the old one!

Another benefit of having a new motor is that I’ll know everything that will be done to it, as far as maintenance, hours, etc. I’m told the 4-strokes are much more reliable and longer-lasting.

Here’s some photos of the process. Enjoy!




Installing the new Tohatsu

Installing the new Tohatsu.

Installing the new Tohatsu

Installing the new Tohatsu.

Works like a charm!

Works like a charm!