As you might recall from my Hatch Board Hell post, my hatch boards were seriously a wreck; just look at this photo to refresh your memory.

Well, I’m happy to report that after some serious work, my friend from work has helped me transition out of the depths of hatch board hell. Take a look at these beauties!

Refinished hatch boards

Refinished hatch boards perfect match to interior teak

Now the hatch boards look too good compared to the other exterior teak. It’s time to get that other teak back to it’s brilliance! For now, I’m going to continue using the one-piece board to close the companionway, until I can make a Sunbrella covering for the boards. That’s actually a project that’s coming up soon. I have the fabric, a LOT of it, that I rescued from beside the trash bin at the marina, that is in good condition. I plan to make a deck covering that’ll cover the windows and the companionway.

Stay tuned.